well, readers, i've got good news and bad news.
bad news first, always:
the agent 'passed' on representing me. wrote me a raving review but says his client load is full and he can't take on anyone new (especially a baby author like me). sad day. he was sure to let me know i am very publishable and that he loved my manuscript, so that softened the blow. so did the massive amounts of chocolate chip ice cream and dino nuggets i ate afterward.
good news:
now is my chance to cash in on all of those "ins" you have all been offering me these past months. for everyone whose brother's friend's roommate works at an agency or whose next door neighbor's dog walker works at Zondervan... hit me with it. we are back to square one...but in a good way. we are staying positive. we are exploring our options.
we are sick to death of dino nuggets.
6 years ago
The publishing company I work for (Crossway--they practically publish everything John Piper, Mark Driscoll, JI Packer, D.A. Carson,etc and publish the ESV translation of the Bible) generally will pull new manuscripts from these two sources. I would recommend getting it read and recommended as much as you can. It would also help if you could get another prominent Christian author (ie. Donald Miller) to read and recommend your book.
Our company doesn't accept unsolicited manuscripts or else I would suggest you send it in here.
I can also recommend:
Inter-Varsity Press
I'm not sure about these publishers' policies on submissions, but they are (for the most part) Christian publishers.
Good luck!
Hey! My father-in-law is very good friends with a man who owns a pretty big publishing company, but of course I can't remember the name. I'll get you his contact info and the name of the company.
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