Sometimes it’s hard to see the Christ through the Christianity- especially if you’ve been raised on a rigorous diet of Veggie Tales, Youth Group and Bible Camp.

I grew up believing that Jesus looked a little like Julie Andrews a la Sound of Music – all blonde, doe-eyed and singsongy. He’d play His ukulele and I’d do my Christian song and dance. 
But then I stumbled upon this painting of Werewolf Jesus- all mangy, unibrowed and Talibanesque- and that little dream world dissolved. 
Turns out, sometimes growing up Christian has little to do with truth or reality. 
Because sometimes Truth has a unibrow. 

So I'm sorting it out through writing it out. This is my journey through the troublesome, unnerving process to objectively value my faith amidst the religion that has become a reflex. It is record of the beauty and purpose I'm discovering in the Church I have always known. *If you're new to the site...this blog evolved, oozing and crawling its way into a manuscript! I'm in the process of trying to get it published. Excerpts are in the earlier archives and marked by chapter!
Happy reading.


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