i have to say, i'm so flattergasted (flattered AND flabbergasted) that so many of you were concerned that i haven't posted in a while. i will use three of my fingers to point blame in this situation.
-index finger goes to florida - thanks for the vacation but you sure were distracting.
(skipping middle finger for obvious reasons)
-ring finger goes to SPRING. new sprengland is one of the most gorgeous things you'll ever witness and --the last thing i have wanted to go is be inside on my laptop
-pinky for my book. everything i end up posting ends up in the book somehow and i figure at this rate, no one will buy the end result! also, my deadline is coming soon and i have been panicked/busy.
which brings me to my next point.
several of you have asked for an update on the book situation. plain and simple, i have to have 60,000 words by june 11th. i want to finish by may 11th so i can tidy up and edit for a month. i'm at 45,759 currently so...getting there. i'm averaging 4,000 words a week, made possible by the system of rewards and punishments laid out by drew. i win things like dove chocolate ice cream bars, grey's anatomy episodes and trips to the science museum. the punishment has been a constant since the beginning: for every day i don't meet my quota, i have to give drew a 20 minute massage. there's nothing i hate more (besides moths) than giving massages.
so thanks for the inquiries/encouragement.
i'll try to come up with a little summin summin for you in the next week.
and, i am almost positive that what i come up with will have to do with the "what if challenge" from Don Miller's blog on April 13th.
the 'what if' challenge
read up and let that percolate for a while. send me your thoughts. send me your what ifs.
i'd love to hear.
6 years ago
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