Some of the downfalls of being married to an Art Director are that he works long hours and forgets to eat and needs a new glasses prescription every 5 months. But one of the many perks is that sometimes he gets a lull between jobs and offers to build you a shiny new website!
Back to the downsides: he is a design snob and tells you that Blogger is for children and that Wordpress is where all the stylish kids hang out. And oh, haven't you always longed to be one of the stylish kids?
So, you take him at his side-parting, argyle sock-wearing, moleskine-scribbling word and announce that you are pleased to introduce...
Say goodbye to the long and tedious current url!
Adios, accidentally-forgetting-to-include-the-'book'-part-of-this-url-and-ending-up-on-a-creepy-site-containing-what-appears-to-be-gay-porn. (Sorry about that, everyone. Wish I could block it somehow...)
Toodles, self-taught HTML hacks learned simply to have a decent layout.
and hellllooo, Gorgeous.
Of course, things are still under construction and I will continue to post in both locations to ease the transition for you all.
Of course, I am hopeful that you, like little ducklings, will follow me over to the new site and continue to read.
Of course, I'd love for you to use the much-easier-to-use "subscribe" tool there (on the top rght hand side of the page) to receive simple email alerts when I update.
Of course, I'd love for you to use the new Facebook enabling to "like" posts that tickle your fancy.
and OF COURSE I'm grateful for everyone who reads and follows and comments and makes it worthwhile to upgrade to a newer, easier and overall just prettier site.
Love to love ya.
6 years ago
Oh, Marri. This is the most exciting news! I'm working on my own blog transitions and redesigns for growth and I've been looking into this very idea. So excited to explore the new space and join you over there. I may have to email you for some pointers too! Congrats!
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